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What’s the trick to getting your message (email) read on a radio program?

Hana Sugisaki's Flower TOKYO

On the 2020/12/20 (Sun) broadcast of the TOKYO FM radio program “Sugisaki Hana’s Flower TOKYO” (every Sunday from 8:00 to 8:30).

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Sugisaki Hana: Now, I’d like to introduce this email to you.
16 years old, Hiroshima prefecture, radio name Oyayubi-san.

Listener email: Good morning, Ohana-chan.

Sugisaki Hana: … (laughs) Wait a minute (laughs)
I really love Oyayubi-san. This radio name.
I wonder how it came to be like this (laughs)
And it’s written in hiragana as “Oyayubi-san”.
Wow, there are so many people with interesting radio names.
Yes, sorry. I’m getting a little off topic.

Listener email: Whenever I send a message, it’s never read, so I searched for “radio message read”.
So, they said: 1. Keep the number of characters short, 2. Use line breaks, 3. Narrow the topic, 4. Make the beginning easy to understand.
I did everything the opposite, so it was like no one would read it.
That’s all.

Sugisaki Hana: Oh, it’s over?! (laughs) Is that all?
・・What?! Just a little more. This is a really cute email (laughs)
I see, that’s how it is. I see.
She took the trouble to search for “radio message read” and told me the results, and this email is over (laughs)

I see. But, well, it’s just my impression, but, um, in the radio messages I’ve read so far, some people wrote a lot of characters, and some people didn’t even use line breaks.
But, somehow (laughs), “Oyayubi”, who was never read at all, was finally able to be read this time.
I’m also happy, but what caught my attention the most about this email was your radio name, “Oyayubi.”

But, well, I’m not sure about easy-to-read emails, because the staff choose them from the many messages we receive, so I can’t really give you any specific advice on how to make them easier to read, but radio names do really catch your attention.
When I get a message for the second time, I remember a particularly memorable radio name, and I think, “Ah, that time.”
But it really does mean that you put a lot of thought into sending me messages like that over and over again.
I’m really happy. Thank you.
I hope you’ll continue to send me messages without getting discouraged (laughs).
I’ll never forget messages from “Oyayubi” (laughs)
