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Hana Sugisaki on “Dried Flowers” that she also posted on Instagram

Hana Sugisaki's Flower TOKYO

On the May 24, 2020 (Sun) broadcast of the TOKYO FM radio program “Sugisaki Hana’s Flower TOKYO” (every Sunday from 8:00 to 8:30).

Sugisaki Hana was talking about the dried flowers she had also uploaded to Instagram.

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Sugisaki Hana: 19 years old, Kanagawa Prefecture, radio name “Kujirara”.

Listener email: Good morning.

Sugisaki Hana: Good morning.

Listener email: The dried flowers you posted on Instagram were really lovely.

I thought I’d take this opportunity to try dried flowers myself.

Sugisaki Hana: Yes. Dried flowers are cute, aren’t they?

Thank you for watching.

There’s a flower shop I like called “edenworks” that values ​​the idea of ​​”not throwing away flowers”… They cut off the heads of the flowers before they wither, dry them in the sun, and then turn them into new works of art or sell them… I thought that was really wonderful.
I’m very close friends with Shinozaki-san, the owner of the shop, and I’ve been learning from him and making my own flower arrangements. Like dried flowers.

Recently I uploaded a video with a bunch of dried flowers on top of a piano, but that piano has recently become my “stand for making dried flowers” (laughs).

I bought one last year because I wanted a small piano, but I couldn’t make much progress practicing on it, so it ended up just being a dried flower ornament (laughs).

…Yes. That’s about it.
But flowers really do liven up a room, don’t they?

I hope you’ll give it a try, Kujirara.
