RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 21:30 to 21:45) broadcast on May 7, 2020 (Thursday).
IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi answered listeners’ messages.
Honda Hitomi: It’s now May, and I think this year is a Golden Week where we spend a lot of time at home, unlike usual. What are you all doing?
I think I talked a little about reading last time. I said, “Please tell me if you have any recommended books,” and then you all told me a lot of recommended books in your messages… so I’m thinking about reading some of those books. Thank you for letting me know so much.
Reading has an image of autumn, but when you have a lot of time to spend at home like this, I think it’s good to read… and drink delicious coffee. I think it’s good to relax.
From the radio name “I want to be a voice actor WIZ*ONE”.
Listener email: Good evening. I’ll send you a message with the help of a translator.
I have a book I’d like to recommend to Hii-chan, who loves books.
It’s “I Had the Same Dream Again” by Yoru Sumino, the author of “I Want to Eat Your Pancreas.”
It’s interesting, so please do read it.
And there’s one thing I’m curious about.
When you read a book, do you read it in Korean? Or in Japanese?
Honda Hitomi: Hmm, for me…well. I recently finished reading my first book in Korean.
But when it comes to books with a lot of text…when it’s written in a row, I can only read it slowly, so I tried reading a book with lots of pictures in it…it’s not a picture book, but it had pictures and photographs in it.
Just finishing one book gave me a great sense of accomplishment, or maybe a sense of happiness that I’ve become able to read books…I was overcome with joy.
There are also a lot of books that you all recommended to me. I’d like to read them.