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Honda Hitomi on her progress in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi's World Get You

RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the broadcast of the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 21:30 to 21:45) on May 7, 2020 (Thursday).

IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi was answering listeners’ messages.

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Honda Hitomi: This is from “Prince” who lives in Tokyo.

Listener email: How is your progress with “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”?

Honda Hitomi: Right. I think I told you before that I started playing “Animal Crossing”…

I recently learned how to see “shooting stars”.

A shooting star was falling. I saw something like a shooting star…I saw something like if you pray when a shooting star is falling, you get some “star fragments”, but for some reason I didn’t get any “star fragments” at the time.

I was wondering why, and I recently learned that when you look at the stars, you shouldn’t have any items in your hands. When I saw a shooting star, I had a pachinko in my hand.

So I just kept hitting the pachinko, “plink, plink,” but I didn’t catch any shooting stars.

Also, I recently started renovating my house for the first time. But I still haven’t paid off the loan…my loan is really expensive, so I want to pay it off as soon as possible.
