RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the broadcast of the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 9:30 pm to 9:45 pm) on Thursday, August 20, 2020.
IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi answered a question from a foreign listener studying in Korea, “When I miss the food of my home country, is there any solution?”
Honda Hitomi: From “Injambon” who lives in Korea.
Listener email: Hii-chan, good evening.
I’m listening to the radio. Thank you for always cheering up my day with Hii-chan’s voice.
I’m a foreigner studying in Korea now. Sometimes I miss the food of my country.
It’s not easy to find the food of my country in Korea, and I can’t cook it.
Is there any good solution?
Honda Hitomi: …So. Wow, you’re in the exact same situation as me.
I’m studying in Korea…or rather, I’m a “foreigner living in Korea.”
Well, it’s the same thing…
Oh, I see. I see. It’s not easy to find food. But, you’re right.
Even though there are Japanese foods I want to eat, there are some I can’t eat.
But recently, there are a lot of things you can order online. That’s why. When you search online thinking, “I don’t think I can find it,” you’ll actually find it.
So I often… go online. I order things.
And as for cooking… I have to try it. I think you get better at cooking if you “do it,” so…
You could ask someone who’s good at it to teach you, or ask someone who’s good at it to cook for you.
I think that sort of thing would be good.
Lately, I’ve been thinking, “I want to cook a bit…” or “Maybe I should…” so… I haven’t got up the courage to cook yet, but when I do, I’ll let you know (laughs).