RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 9:30pm to 9:45pm) broadcast on May 21, 2020 (Thursday).
IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi commented on the “unique rules” sent in by listeners.
Honda Hitomi: Last week, I asked everyone to tell me about their unique rules and routines, and I received a lot of them… so today I would like to introduce some of those messages.
Title: “My Rules”!
I might try to imitate the ones that hit me hard in the future.
Unique rules for “shortcake”
Honda Hitomi: Let’s get started right away.
From “Fu-chan” who lives in Aichi Prefecture.
Listener email: When eating shortcake, eat the strawberries last.
Hii-chan, do you save your favorite things for last? Or do you eat them first?
Honda Hitomi: Actually, when I eat shortcake, I eat the strawberries on top last.
…I really like ricotta cheese salad.
When I eat it, I always eat all the vegetables first, and then just the cheese.
If I save the things I like for last, I feel like… I can taste happiness at the end, so I like that.
Unique rules for curry rice
Honda Hitomi: Next is Moony, who lives in Saitama Prefecture.
Listener mail: For curry rice, the roux goes on the left and the rice goes on the right.
But when you eat curry rice at a restaurant, there’s a good chance it’s served with the roux on the right and the rice on the left.
Honda Hitomi: I see…
I’m actually a fan of the roux on the left and the rice on the right (laughs). So I’m the same as Moony.
I really think that all the time too. When it comes out at a restaurant, I wonder, “Why is it the other way around?”
That happens a lot…
In my family, I think my dad was the typical “roux on the right, rice on the left”. But I still prefer the roux on the left.
The reason is that I’m right-handed… I scoop up the rice from the right and pick up the roux with my left hand and eat them… how do I say that?
Ah. It’s a difficult word to use on radio (laughs).
But you get it, don’t you? What I’m trying to say.
Right, the roux is on the left, so you can just go ahead and put it in, the rice.
You just “swoosh” the rice from the right.
So it’s easier, so I’m more of a fan of that.
Unique rules that I “do every day”
Honda Hitomi: Next is from “Muu” who lives in Nasushiobara City.
Listener email: I have a daily self-reflection meeting by myself.
I started work in April, so I’ve been doing it a lot recently.
Honda Hitomi: Wow. You’re so serious. I don’t have a self-reflection meeting, but I write in my diary every night to reflect on what happened that day…
Oh, it’s time for a reflection. I think I’ll follow her example and give it a try.
My own rules for “walking”
Honda Hitomi: Next is from “Pan to Mi Daisuki” (Pan and Mi Loves Me).
Listener mail: When I walk, I step out with my right foot.
Stepping out with my right foot first gives me a sense of stability.
Honda Hitomi: Wow. I’ve never really thought about it, but…
It’s true that when I tie my shoelaces, if I think about which foot I should start with, it might be my right foot…
My own rules for “eating fruit”
Honda Hitomi: Next up is… Oh. It’s from someone who lives in Canada.
From “Tracy” (Pan to Mi Loves Me).
Listener mail: When I first came to Japan, I was really surprised that they put salt on watermelon.
In Canada, they use sugar.
For example, they always put sugar on apples and strawberries.
Honda Hitomi: What! You put sugar on it?
Um… that’s more surprising. Um… But salt on watermelon…
But if you think about it, anything is possible after all.
But if it was something like “apples with sugar,” then that might be it. Isn’t “compote” the same way?
Because you put sugar on apples and simmer them to make it. I wonder if it’s something like that?
But watermelon…huh?
…But it’s interesting. It seems that the way fruits are eaten varies depending on the country.
I’d like to learn more about how fruits are eaten in different countries.
So. I’ve introduced everyone’s rules, but… it’s really interesting!
It’s so interesting that I want to turn it into a corner.
I’d like to hear more of your “unique rules” in the future, so please let me know.
It’s so fun to learn about everyone’s “unique rules”… I’m looking forward to hearing them.