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Honda Hitomi’s catchphrase is “I think that…”

IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi's World Get You

RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi Radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (10 minutes broadcast every Monday from 16:25 / B・E・A・T) broadcast on Monday, December 7, 2020.

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Honda Hitomi: This is from Hiichantsuu, who lives in Saitama Prefecture.

Listener email: Hiichan, hello. This is Hinata.

Hiichan’s catchphrase is “It’s cold~”, but I know another one.

I feel like she always says “I think that’s ○○” (laughs)

Honda Hitomi: Ah, that might be true (laughs)

Listener email: I’ll be looking forward to the radio every week from now on.
It’s going to get colder and colder from now on, but Hiichan, please do your best and don’t give in to the cold.

Honda Hitomi: That’s true! I’ll say it! (laughs)
That’s what I think (laughs)
Well, I wouldn’t have noticed this unless someone told me (laughs)
Thank you.
