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Honda Hitomi names IZ*ONE’s “peach character” stuffed toy

IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi's World Get You

RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the radio program “IZONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 21:30 to 21:45) broadcast on May 14, 2020 (Thursday). Honda Hitomi used a listener’s message as an opportunity to give a name to the IZONE stuffed animal “peach character”.

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Honda Hitomi: This is from “Jurujuri” who lives in Tokyo.

Listener email: Hii-chan, good evening.
I’ve been looking forward to my IZ*ONE stuffed animal every day since it arrived, but since I started working remotely, it happened to appear on my screen and my boss said, “It’s a cute Momotaro.”

Does your peach stuffed animal have a name?
If you don’t mind, please give Hii-chan’s alter ego a name.

Honda Hitomi: That’s right. This IZONE stuffed animal has a character for each IZONE member designed by Saku-chan…I’m the peach character.
And then, whoever wins the lottery will be given that stuffed animal as a present… that’s the stuffed animal. I didn’t give my stuffed animal a name… but maybe I’ll take this opportunity to give it one.

When I was growing up, my mom used to call me “Hiitarou”. And when my boss told me I was a “cute Momotaro”, I thought this was the perfect name… (laughs).

So from today, I’ll name the mascot character that Saku-chan drew for me “Hiitarou”. Everyone, please love “Hiitarou”. Thank you (laughs).
