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Sakura Miyawaki talks about her experience attending the Asia Artist Awards 2020 (AAA 2020) ceremony

Tonight, under the Sakura tree

On the bayfm radio program “Tonight, Under Sakura’s Tree” (every Wednesday 24:00-24:30) broadcast on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.

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Sakura Miyawaki: Well, this recording is on November 29th. Wait. What? It’s almost a week from now, about a week from now, we’re making our comeback. Wow. So fast. So fast.

Yes, we really have a lot of live shows scheduled for November, and the month has flown by, but a lot of things have happened between last week and this week.

About the Asia Artist Awards 2020 (AAA 2020) Awards Ceremony

The one that made me the happiest was the AAA, Asia Artist Awards 2020 awards ceremony.

IZ*ONE won two awards, the Potential Award and the Best Musician Award. Phew~♪

Thank you.

Appearing on that AAA (La Vie en It’s been quite a while since Rose.
At that time, I went to an awards ceremony without really knowing anything.
That was my first awards ceremony in Korea, with AAA.
And wow…there were so many idols and fans, and they had to dance in front of them. And they had to dance in front of all the actors, actresses, and idols watching, right? At an awards ceremony.
That unique atmosphere left a strong impression on me, and I have fond memories of Korean awards ceremonies being amazing, with AAA, but this year, in the shadow of COVID-19, It was pre-recorded at Hibiki.

So I didn’t see the other artists’ performances, and I couldn’t see the actresses or actors.

The story of meeting Jeon Mi-do (the lead actress of “Hospital Playlist”) at the awards ceremony

I heard that Kim Soo-hyun and Seo Ye-ji from “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” were in this script. Were they in AAA? Those two?

It’s really painful right now. I really didn’t know. My heart is really aching right now while reading the script. It’s really painful.

But “Hospital Playlist” is a drama on Netflix. Llama, you said before that I was really into watching it.
Then, the female lead who appears in the drama, Jung Mi-do, was there with me during the pre-recording to receive the trophy at the awards ceremony, so I happened to see her at the exact same time. I was lucky enough to meet her.
Aaah (sigh). She was so beautiful.
And Minju and Heechan were also watching “Hospital Playlist”, so we were saying things like, “Maybe that’s her… right?!”
We got really excited talking like, “Isn’t she insanely beautiful?!”

I remember when I said this to AAA before. When I went there, I didn’t watch that many Korean dramas, so there were many people I didn’t know much about, but now I watch more Korean dramas than the Korean members (laughs).
Even Eunbi didn’t know about that person. So she said, “You know a lot.” That’s how much I know now.
Ahh, if only it weren’t for COVID, it’s such a shame.
But I was really happy when I got to meet Jung Mi-do. She was so beautiful.
I’m looking forward to season 2.
