On the bayfm radio program “Tonight, Under Sakura’s Tree” (every Wednesday from 24:00 to 24:30), broadcast on Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
IZ*ONE’s Miyawaki Sakura was giving love advice to high school listeners.
Miyawaki Sakura: This is an email from a high school student. Ah, an email asking for advice…
It’s from a Japanese high school student, whose radio name is “WIZ*ONE in Love”. Thank you.
Listener email: Hello, Saku-chan.
Miyawaki Sakura: Hello.
Listener email: I’m a Japanese high school boy. This is the first time I’ve sent this email. Right now, there’s someone I like, and that person is the first friend I made in middle school, and we were in the same club in middle school, and now we’re in different clubs, but we’re in the same high school. And since our houses are close to each other, when our club activities finish at the same time, we go home together.
Miyawaki Sakura: Huh? …Amazing.
Listener email: I want to tell the other person how I feel, but I can’t find the courage to do so. Here’s a question for Saku-chan: What is your “ideal confession situation” and “confession words”?
Also, where would you like to go together if you were to date?
It’s a lot of work with COVID right now, but please take care of your health, limit video games, go to bed early and get up early, and stay healthy Saku-chan.
Miyawaki Sakura: Ohhh… thank you.
Amazing… it makes me feel all fluttery.
This definitely… doesn’t it seem like the other person likes you too?
…I don’t know. Maybe they’re just friends… from the other person’s perspective.
But even though you’re in different clubs, if you finish at the same time and say “let’s go home together,” I think there’s a good chance. And if you’ve been friends since middle school, that means you’ve been friends for 5 or 6 years. I think it’s really best to be honest… for example, on the way home together, say “I like you, will you go out with me?” It’s best to just say it straight out. Really.
Rather than using roundabout ways of saying things, keep it all really simple. I think girls are definitely happier if you say it straight forward… I think it’s best to simply say, “I’ve been interested in you for a long time, I’ve liked you… will you go out with me?”
My ideal confession situation is pretty unique, but…
Let’s say we’re playing an online game together… like a battle royale. I want the other person to be really strong… I want them to be really strong.
And then, if they win first place… I’d be happy if the moment they win first place they confessed to me saying, “Let’s keep getting first places together” (laughs).
I’m unique, but… I’m pretty unique, but I think “normally” girls would be happier if you just said it honestly and directly. Do your best. I’m rooting for you!