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Miyawaki Sakura talks about her thoughts on the 9th anniversary of her idol debut

Tonight, under the Sakura tree

On the bayfm radio program “Tonight, Under Sakura’s Tree” (every Wednesday from 24:00 to 24:30) broadcast on Wednesday, November 4, 2020.

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Miyawaki Sakura: And what’s more, there are already a lot of things to celebrate, but personally, it’s been 9 years since Miyawaki Sakura debuted as an idol. It’s been so long (laughs).
9th anniversary. I was talking about that the other day, but now I’m starting my 10th year.
I honestly didn’t think I’d be an idol for this long when I started (laughs).
When I hear that it’s my 10th year, I feel like there are more things I want to do and I still have room to grow, so I really think that I’m in a blessed environment, surrounded by blessed people, and receiving the love of so many fans.
