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Honda Hitomi “Saku-chan really does sleep the whole time (lol)”

IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi's World Get You

On the 11/30/2020 (Mon) broadcast of the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” on RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi (10-minute broadcast every Monday from 16:25/B・E・A・T).

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Honda Hitomi: Next up is from radio name Sou-san.

Listener mail: I listen to Hii-chan’s voice every week and am soothed by it.

I especially like when Hii-chan says “hehe.”

Honda Hitomi: (laughs) Thank you.

Listener mail: I’m sure the IZONE members spend a lot of time together and know each other really well, but are there any surprising or interesting sides to the IZONE members that you’ve noticed recently?

Honda Hitomi: I think Saku-chan is the one who was the most different from the image I had of her. Umm, she really does sleep the whole time (laughs)

Umm, I have the image of Saku-chan as a professional, so when she goes to a schedule, she’s always in the dressing room

But when she has time to rest, I have the image of her being awake the whole time.

When she’s at the dorms, she plays games, and when she’s waiting for a schedule, she’s actually sleeping the whole time (laughs)

But when she’s waiting and working properly, she wakes up right away, and doesn’t show any signs of sleepiness on her face, and she works hard, which I think is really professional, but the moment it’s break time, she falls asleep in seconds (laughs)

So I always think, “Ah, Saku-chan really can sleep anytime, anywhere.” I’m jealous.

I’m the type who can’t sleep in the dressing room or anything (laughs)

So I’m jealous.
