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Sugisaki Hana: “(My life in Osaka while filming Ochoyan) is mostly just going back and forth between the studio and my house.”

Hana Sugisaki's Flower TOKYO

On the 2020/10/25 (Sun) broadcast of the TOKYO FM radio program “Sugisaki Hana’s Flower TOKYO” (every Sunday from 8:00 to 8:30).

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Sugisaki Hana: Good morning. This is Sugisaki Hana. Sugisaki Hana’s Flower TOKYO has started again today.

It’s getting quite cold already. It’s gotten so cold this year that it feels like autumn was really short.

I haven’t been able to go back to Tokyo at all recently and I’ve been in Osaka all the time, but a while ago, a few weeks ago, when I went back to Tokyo, it felt colder in Tokyo, but Osaka has also gotten quite cold. I mostly just go back and forth between the studio and my house, so I don’t have a moment to go outside, so I move around every day barefoot without socks, or rather, I move around barefoot wearing those sandals (laughs), but I feel like we’re entering a time when it’s starting to get a little cold even indoors. I’m wearing socks lol. Let’s stay healthy and not let the cold get us down.
