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Miyawaki Sakura talks about the episode where Eunbi licked her tongue during the Beware music video shoot | My fav JP radio
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Miyawaki Sakura talks about the episode where Eunbi licked her tongue during the Beware music video shoot

Tonight, under the Sakura tree

On the bayfm radio show “Tonight, Under Sakura’s Tree” (every Wednesday 24:00-24:30) broadcast on Wednesday, November 25, 2020.

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Miyawaki Sakura: Next is Captain Wanwan, whose radio name is Wanwan. Thank you.

Listener email: Good evening, Sakura. This is my first email.

I saw Beware’s performance on a music show and something bothered me.

I’m an Eunbi fan, and when I watched Eunbi especially carefully, I noticed that she would always stick out her tongue when it was her turn.

When I think back to it, on “Shabekuri 007,” after saying “Let’s try it,” Eunbi stuck out her tongue and scratched her head, but I have a question for Sakura.

Does Eunbi often stick out her tongue like this in her everyday life?

Or is this a service for her fans, or a gift from Eunbi?

I can’t sleep at night because I’m so worried about it. Please tell me Sakura-san.

Miyawaki Sakura: To the confused Woof Woof Healthy-san, we don’t do it.
I think it’s more like fan service, or Eunbi’s way of appealing.
Yes, she did it in Beware too.
Eunbi often sticks out her tongue, like a tehepero. She’s really cute.
In Beware, when she said “Slowly approaching from behind”, she licked her tongue, didn’t she? (laughs)
Tehepero. It was too sexy, like she was really trying to catch you (laughs)
Beware is a cute song like “Be careful because you’ll fall in love”, but Eunbi was the only one who was pretty cool, or rather sexy, and she did it during the “approaching” part (laughs), and while we were listening to it, we all said, “Eunbi unni, wait?! Isn’t that sexy?!”
I remember that…
