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Honda Hitomi’s touching story about her mother’s “lunch box”

IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi's World Get You

RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the broadcast of the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 9:30 pm to 9:45 pm) on Thursday, August 6, 2020.

When answering the question “What is your favorite side dish in your lunch box?”, IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi shared an episode with her mother related to lunch boxes.

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Honda Hitomi: This is from “Koyuki” who lives in Nakagawa-cho.

Listener email: Good evening.
The online live talk went by in a flash.
I wasn’t able to say everything I wanted to say, but it was fun talking to Hii-chan after a long time.
But I want to meet you in person and talk to you soon.
Also, seeing IZ*ONE at the showcase gave me energy.

Here’s a question.
I’m taking my lunch box to school now, but what is your favorite side dish in your lunch box, Hii-chan?
I like tamagoyaki the most.

Honda Hitomi: Ah! Koyuki-chan.
You too, Koyuki-chan. Thank you so much for coming all this time since AKB.
I was also happy to see you the other day after such a long time.
Thank you so much for always supporting me.

That’s right. Lunch boxes… hmmm. Just thinking about it makes me hungry (laughs).
I also really liked my mom’s tamagoyaki (rolled omelet). Yeah, and I also got excited when it had “nikujaga (beef and potatoes)” in it, and when it had “karaage (fried chicken)” in it…
And then frozen foods… I actually liked “frozen foods” quite a bit (laughs). Like that “chikuwa no isobe-age”… and then there was that thing. There was something like “corn cream croquette”… that one where “the croquette had something like corn soup inside” and I really liked that. Mmhmm.

So, this is kind of a “touching story”…
I was quite rebellious in high school. So, from high school onwards, I brought a packed lunch to school, and my mother made one for me, my sister and my brother. Sometimes I had to make lunch for my father too…depending on the day. I ended up using a lot of “frozen foods”.
I was going through a period of rebellion, so I got really mean to my mother.

Right. Then, the other day, I received a package from my mother. To Korea.
She sent me a bunch of sweets and stuff, and inside it was a letter that said, “I’m sorry I couldn’t make you a lunch that satisfied you in high school, Hitomi.” It also said, “I’ll make lots of delicious food for you next time you come back to Japan.”

I really regretted getting so mean to my mother back then.
I was going through a rebellious period, so it was inevitable that I would get so mean to my parents, but…everyone, you should treasure your family!

…Right. That’s what I felt. Yes.
So, Koyuki-chan, be thankful to your mom for making your lunch for you every day, okay? Eat your favorite tamagoyaki every day. Even though Hii wants to eat it right now, it’s hard to find the time… yeah.
