RADIO BERRY FM Tochigi On the radio program “IZ*ONE Honda Hitomi’s World Get You” (every Thursday from 9:30pm to 9:45pm) broadcast on 6/4/2020 (Thu).
IZ*ONE’s Honda Hitomi answered a question from a Korean listener, “Has any member’s Japanese ability improved recently?”
Honda Hitomi: Next up is also from Korea.
From someone with the radio name “Sanmo”.
Listener email: This is my first email.
After seeing your private email, I studied Japanese while listening to the radio.
Honda Hitomi: That’s amazing! Thank you.
Listener email: As a result, I can now read emails without a translator.
Honda Hitomi: Amazing! Is that true? Wow…
Listener email: So here’s a question for Hii-chan.
Has any member’s Japanese ability improved recently? If so, please let me know.
P.S. I love when Hii-chan laughs, “hehe.”
Honda Hitomi: Wow, thank you (laughs).
Isn’t it amazing that you can read emails without a translator?
Me too… I’m going to try harder to study Korean (laughs).
And “members whose Japanese skills have improved”.
…Everyone has really improved.
In Korea, the pronunciation of “tsu” is…like the “tsu” in “tonkatsu” or “tsumiki”. They don’t have a “tsu” pronunciation. That’s why everyone used to say “chu” but…
Recently, the pronunciation is really like Japanese people… there’s almost nothing to point out anymore.
That’s how much everyone has improved. Everyone has.
So I’m going to try harder to study Korean so I don’t fall behind everyone (laughs).